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University of Wisconsin-Madison

Our Supporters

The IRC is funded entirely by member organizations. Member companies provide base funds each year and the remainder of our financial support is derived by conducting funded research and providing technical assistance to our members and other industry stakeholders. We would like to acknowledge and thank the sponsors who recognize the value of the IRC to their organizations and to the entire industry. The following images are from our IRC Members. Each image is a link to that member's website.

Tropicana Logo American Foods Group Logo Xcel Energy Logo Cargill Logo
Tyson Logo General Mills Logo Target Logo Sargento Logo
ConAgra Logo H-E-B Logo Kraft Logo Nestle Waters: North America Logo
DOT Foods Logo Land O' Lakes Logo The Pepsi Bottling Group Logo Wells Logo
Miller Coors Logo Environmental Protection Agency Logo Occupational Safety and Health Administration Logo Lamb Weston Logo

Supporting the IRC

IRC supporters understand the benefits of membership, and they have other characteristics in common:

  • They recognize that their businesses depend on refrigeration.
  • They are committed to improvement: to enhance the capabilities of their personnel, to reduce their operating costs, and to increase the productivity of their processes.
  • They know that improvements in refrigeration translate to improvements in their bottom lines.
  • They understand the synergy between safety, efficiency, and productivity in refrigeration systems. They recognize that efforts to improve in one area invariably lead to improvements in the others.
  • They see the value in leveraging their resources through collaborative action.

If you think your organization can benefit from participation in the IRC, please contact us for more information.