Our Values and Goals
The mission of the IRC is to improve the safety, reliability, efficiency, and productivity of industrial refrigeration systems. The following publication highlights the State and Goals of the IRC.
In carrying out our mission, all staff at the IRC share a set of core values that include:
- Serving with integrity
- Relentless pursuit of excellence
- Seeking the truth, wherever that may lead
- Commitment to creating and transplanting knowledge
- Discovery through research that is scientifically-based
- Results-oriented work ethic
- Forward-looking vision with a member-focus
- Leading by serving
Our vision is to be the authoritative source of knowledge and information to advance the systems and technologies that form the foundation of the industrial refrigeration industry. We believe this is best accomplished through a balanced and coordinated effort that includes:
- Research to advance the state-of-the-art and improve the application of industrial refrigeration technology
- Knowledge transfer to educate those in our industry to better understand, operate, apply, and advance industrial refrigeration
- Technical assistance, applying our own resources and expertise as well as the resources of others throughout the industry to solve specific problems
Strategic Goals
We believe that our mission and vision can best be accomplished by achieving the following strategic goals:
- Establish a technically and financially sound organization with support and participation by industry stakeholders.
- Continually seek to identify industry needs and develop a plan of attack to address these needs.
- Implement a coordinated program of research, knowledge transfer, and technical assistance activities to meet industry needs; thereby, providing short-term, intermediate-term, and long-term benefits to IRC supporters and the industry at-large.
- Develop contacts and alliances with other groups and organizations to cooperatively address industry needs.